The Index to Topics & Articles
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This page serves as an Index. It's goal is to make navigating convenient.
The Index here is just beginning will soon be of more use to you as items get added.
Here you will find links to each article. The organization is by Category, as found in the Lateral Menu at right, and under that, by subject/ topic, with links to articles presented here in an order that appears most logical to me. We'll see how that logic holds up.
By comparison, if one clicks on a Category in the Lateral Menu at right, one gets all the articles in that Category, in chronologic order, with most recent at top of page, on a single page that requires scrolling through to find older articles. Also, if a Category in the Lateral Menu is in Bold, that means that it has Subcategories that appear below it, when you click on that Category to open it.
The goal here is to permit you to find content more easily. To make them stand out, links are in red, and change to underlined black when one mouses over them. The link takes one to the actual article, with less searching around. In blue are headings for categories and sub-categories.
"We're Doing What Here ?" - The CHALLENGE
The Challenge is the name that we have assigned to the shared activity that is our approach to the COVID-19 pandemic. This "approach" includes an intention and firm commitment to helping others involved with this illness from where we are located around our world. And who isn't involved ? Those trying to avoid becoming infected. Those who unfortunately have the illness. Those caring for those sick with this disease. Those working to develop vaccines and other effective therapies. Those who have lost loved ones, friends, acquaintances to this illness. All are included in our thoughts as we embark each day for 20 minutes during The CHALLENGE.
To improve focus while conserving personal energies, we select those who are currently Actively ILL with COVID-19 as a target. The goal is to move them from that category, to those who have now Recovered. That summarizes a transition that few would argue is a good one.
To see how that is being done here, it's time to read The CHALLENGE.
Why Do This ?
That would seem like the next logical place to go. So here's our answer for Why Do This ? When you're done reading, if you didn't see YOUR reason for being here, please write us to let us know.
To share such thoughts write to
Or leave a comment at the end of the article.
Clocks & Timers
If one is going to do something for 20 minutes, but starting at a specific time, a need for clocks and timers appears. You can certainly use your own, but some are provided here for convenience. Also for your convenience, two different start times per day are possible. The usual one at 12:00PM Noon GMT, and a second Challenge, 12 hours later at Midnight GMT. The Timers page also helps to figure out what time that is on your clock where you are. For those who elect the 2nd shift, which we have named the Midnight Squadron, you'll find timers and explanations at the link provided.
An efficient approach to each participation is to use this link to get swiftly set up. It provides a vocal guide to the 20 minutes during the Challenge, signaling 5 minute intervals. It also gets one set up with the world slowly spinning as a point of visual focus. At the bottom of that page, a "How To" video, showing the quick steps to getting started.
The fact that individuals located throughout our world have found our site and returned to it makes us, we must admit, happy. This space is relatively new so that is encouraging.
Some people may easily empathize with our message and methods here.
We would of course like to discover that growth trend continuing in the days and weeks to come.
But it's really not about a somewhat futile counting of numbers or "hits" and worrying about that.
Neither is it about coercion, manipulation, conspiracies or propaganda.
Instead, it's that we believe that what we are doing here is important. We also believe that it will succeed. So we try to identify motivators for doing The Challenge that will help stimulate others to participate. So far those seem to fall into the following categories, which will evolve as needed:
From the "Front Lines"
As with letters written by soldiers from the trenches during a war, the information shared by those caring for the sick is not always pleasant news. But in each case there is something so direct transmitted, that ignoring it to maintain one's personal comfort seems a poor choice. Perhaps these are difficult but essential motivators. And if one reacts by saying that from where one is located, if not on the "front lines," one can do nothing - we quickly remind about The Challenge.
If the goal is to see more Recovered appearing from the ranks of the Actively ILL, and if we are dedicated to our proposition that The Challenge can help with that, then how are we doing ?
There are results to answer that question, and we post them as frequently as possible at the link provided, and called of course: Feedback.
News stories as presented by today's media sources can provide leads that are somehow related to our intention here. We'll look for those.
Finding that relation is not always immediate. One must wade through what's behind the "look of the News" and the "if it bleeds it leads" tendencies. But you already are aware of that. Sensationalism and shock value are not motivators here. Occasionally we may find other values that are motivators to right thought and especially, right action through The Challenge.
We call that News of the right kind, or Intentional NEWS.
Foreign Languages
We will not be duplicating every article written, translating each into several other languages.
The language for most articles is English.
But for several others, a separate page will be provided that gives a Short Introduction to the Challenge and its related methods, offered as an audio recording as well as a text file, and another with the Challenge concisely explained.
Finally, specific Targets will be explained and presented as text and as audio recordings. The goal is to sharpen and focus the listener's intention to be present in assisting those Actively iLL with COVID-19 and reduce their numbers.
Pour les francophones
le Défi en français (the Challenge explained in French)
Les Cibles de type Phase 2 (en français)
Para los que hablan español
Introducción, en español (Short Intro in Spanish)
Aquí tienes una explicación del Desafío, una vez más en tu idioma.
Für diejenigen, die Deutsch sprechen
Eine kurze Einführung, auf Deutsch (Short Intro in German)
Die Herausforderung auf Deutsch (the Challenge in German)
Para quem fala portugues
Uma introdução, em português (Short Intro in Portugese)
O Desafio em Português (the Challenge in Portuguese)
Hindee bolane vaalon ke lie
ek parichay, hindee mein (Short Intro in Hindi)
aapakee bhaasha mein ek baar phir chailenj ka spashteekaran diya gaya hai.
Navigating This Site
Where Things Are Located, Membership, Language Issues - "get acquainted," and "how stuff gets done on this site" type of info. Because the base language for our blog provider is French, it requires a few adjustments and a little translation, to make an English-based visit as easy as possible. There shouldn't be too much suffering imposed, I don't think. Least, I hope not. Something isn't clear? Fire off an email to :
Membership : How to Sign Up - Also, this article addresses 'How To Log In' once you're a Member. Boring? Yes. Standard fare? Yes. Nothing out of the ordinary. Allows one to select options about notifications, Newsletters, etc. once a Member of this site.