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If you click on this image ...


Click below for the Challenge Side

you will be directed towards an Introduction to the Challenge. This site began with that topic.


That Introduction looks a bit long, perhaps even cluttered,  and for several reasons. It includes links in several languages. It informs when the Challenge will next begin. It gives feedback from the last Challenge that visitors participated in. It bridges the gap between how most people think and feel on a daily, continuous basis while awake...., to arrive at a space where intention and feeling combine to become more effective, if not more important, than frequently observed methods of human reasoning.


And the goal of making that transition, with others who join together each day for 20 minutes (at a distance) is to contribute to healing the illness we all now know about. COVID-19. Need more info? You'll have to click the image above.



What about the image below?


Click below for the Science Side


Related by purpose, but perhaps not by methodology (and some would argue that) is The Science Side.


Current activities there arise out of a questionnaire that explores myriad aspects of the "Long-term" COVID-19 illness. On October 2nd, a total of 93 respondents presenting with this disease had kindly offered their data. If you click on the above image, that process will be further explained. Especially important for those who are intent on adding their expert responses by taking the questionnaire. That section of this site, also presents analyses of these responses. Many interesting findings is our opinion. But you'll have to click on the image above to read about those and see if you agree.


Still can't decide? Write us at, or at


You'll have to decide which address you'd like to use. You can do it.



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The Science side of things ...


The Active Project ...


Let's begin with an Introduction to our Questionnaire on "Long-term" COVID-19.


Briefly, the questionnaire is an exploration of multiple aspects of "Long-term" COVID-19:


      • a relatively new illness, related to a relatively new virus.
      • an illness that presents multiple challenges: for patients of course, but also for those toward whom the patients turn for diagnosis and treatment.
      • On October 9, 2020 - 100 individuals had responded duirng the past 27 days.
      • The respondents are individuals who identify with having, or having had this illness.
      • Gathering additional responses is still ongoing.
      • Nevertheless, some preliminary data is quite informative, and its analysis has been presented in several articles on this website.
      • If you have had or still have this illness, please consider responding to the questionnaire, and ideally, before looking at any results. After you have responded, results are immediately presented to you.
      • Same message of outreach if you know someone who presents with a history of "Long-term" COVID-19.


If you are now ready to see how people answered, click the link to see some of the preliminary results.


Caution: if you are a physician or otherwise responsible for the care of such patients, be prepared for several surprising things learned so far.



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How I do this for our current Target: Spain

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Some have asked for more detail about how to convert "intention," into "compassionate action."


Let me try to help by sharing exactly what I do to meet The Challenge.


First of all, our current Phase I Target is Span. Let's use it as an example.

      • Spain is large and diverse in terms of populations and languages spoken.
      • So I try to learn everything I can about humans living in Spain.
        • I do not make this a project that will last the next 4 months (but who knows?). I try to get just a bit closer to a country that I don't know as well as my own, though I have travelled there.
        • I have fine-tuned the target a bit for me by selecting the Aragon region, (quite ill with COVID-19). Up to you to pick another area of Spain that's special for you.
        • So I show up 10 minutes before Start Time, and I look at pictures of Aragon as found in the previous note.
        • I review Feedback (on Spain) to get a sense of the difficulty of this Challenge before facing it for 20 minutes with others.


Next, I get set up to do The Challenge:

        • I use this page to get Switly Set Up. (... and to not be late !)
        • I click on the link to start the audio.
          • It serves as a 20 minute timer
          • It presents very short encouragement at 5 minute intervals.
          • It serves somewhat as a guided meditation.
          • As soon as I have cllcked its player to start it, I next click on the link below it to start our Globe. That is explained on that same page. The goal? a spot for visual centering.
        • I click the link to get our world spinning (slowly!) before my eyes.
          • I switch it to Full Screen.
          • I notice all the orange spikes that indicate where others are located
            • I often think of these as antennas, helping to attract my intention to heal, and to be with others where they are.


And that's it. Up and running for 20 minutes. But there's more (of course) for our specific target.


As the audio and video begin, I get positioned comfortably, and calmly and get centered.


I put aside my monkey-brain thoughts. I do this without impatience. If a thought recurs I think: "Oh. Hi! Back again? Could we take this subject up just a little later? In an hour perhaps? Good for you? Great. Thanks for stopping in. Bye."


I often yawn a time or two which is good. It says I'm moving towards calm. (But not towards sleep !)


Next, we have a specific target today, Spain, not just the world which is of course still the larger target for the COVID-19 burden. So, ...

      • I spend the 1st 10 minutes focusing on the world as it spins gently before me.
      • When the audio announces "10 minutes are up" I switch to Spain.
        • With the mouse, I stop the globe spinning, stopping over Spain, and enlarge it to get in real close. I focus a bit more intention to heal on the northeast, Aragon.
        • Next I change my intentional thought just a bit. As explained on the page describing The Challenge, when breathing in, I usually think the word : "Heal" or "Healing." And on breathing out I think or even whisper, "COVID-19."
          • For Spain I change that to thinking,  "I intend ... " (as I breath in);
          • And I whisper or think intentionally, "... to heal Spain." (as I breathe out).
        • To give you some idea, that sounds like this ...


        • And as I get into that space and time that we are sharing, I sense the presence of others.
        • And in their own languages around the world, I hear them (or sense them) saying that same healing intention for Spain. Some will like to call this a prayer, which is fine. Some will be certain that their atoms and quantum particles are flying out towards Spain, which is fine. Others will simply be happy and relieved to be more relaxed, which is fine. 
          • P.S. : No. I am not hearing voices, at least not just yet. But it provides an interesting, and for me helpful audio tool to help me get closer and bring us all together. An auditory hallucination? No. Not just yet. A recording I made of voices from around our world. They are all saying the same thing: "I intend to heal Spain." That's all. That's enough. More than enough.


Listen to our world, speaking on Spain's behalf!

DId you hear your language?



  • So I devote the second 10 minute half of The Challenge to this specific Target: Spain.


Some have asked me how and where to click to get the Challenge for our Spain target set up.

This short video should answer that. It may prove useful for other upcoming targets as well.






Some have asked me for an intentional phrase to say during the Challenge ...

So for me, (and for Spain) my intention sounds like this.

I think the first half as I breath in (hard to speak when breathing in!) and I whisper the second half as I breathe out. Sometimes in English. Sometimes in Spanish. Whatever works for you ...



10 minutes for our World. 10 minutes fro Spain. And then it's over.




And a bit later, I spend some time seeking out and adding the feedback to share wih you, to see how it went.



Here's one last audio file to help you understand what happens when those participating in The Challenge show up late! Oh no !  A classic case of dysunified intentions ! 

While no intention is ever lost, when together our intentions may have more clout !




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Help with the time to start question

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Let's figure out when you should start the Challenge with others ...


Some background.

There are 24 time zones around our World. Most are straight forward. Some get difficult because of Daylight Savings Time (or not). A few even divide the hour into 30 minutes like in India. We are going to keep this very simple. If you live in one of the unusual Time Zones, up to you to figure it out.

Then there's the International Date Line, where one day becomes the next (or the last!). Don't worry. We've got it all figured out for you, here below.



The Goal : 12:00 AM or PM (you chose) - GMT.

GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.  It is often used as a standard fro setting clocks around the world.

So we chose it as our standard: as our Start Time Target.

We could have selected any Time Zone then told you what time that is where you are.

But we select GMT because that's just the way it will be. People have usually heard of it.


So how about you?

When do you join in?


4 versions of the same thing to look at ...


      1. An image below which shows a 12:00PM (noon) GMT start time, and all Time Zones.
      2. A next image below the first which shows a Midnight GMT start time, and all Time Zones.
      3. Same as number 1, 12 noonGMT, but it's a PDF page that you can download or print more easily.
      4. Same as number 2, but also a PDF that gives a midnight start time (not for you but midnight in Greenwich, England ! ) and the Time Zones where you can find your time to join in by CIty/ Country.
      5. Don't worry about these explanatory words, just look at the pages below, and the PDF's.




We have heard many suggestions for different times. In fact, so many that if we tried to please everyone we would never start at the same time, which is a goal for doing the Challenge together.


To avoid participating in the Challenge in the middle of the night, there are two "sessions" each day.

One at 12:00PM noon GMT, and the other at 12 midnight, GMT. That helps translate this activity into

times that are reasonable throughout our world.


And, if you want to get up at 0-dark-30, or 4AM to join in with others instead, no one will stop you, and thank you for your dedication to the Challenge.


For Noon ...


1200 noon GMT Time Zone  Start sheet


For midnight ...


Midnight GMT Time Zone  Start sheet



And even nicer. 


Since you may have arrived here via computer and not telepathy, here is a link to our Google Calendar.


When the special times in Greenwich (12:00PM noon and 00:00AM midnight) show up on our event calendar, they will be in YOUR TIME ZONE!  Just imagine!  It will probably even give you a 10 minute reminder if the calendar page is open.




Another page with our Timers is here.



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Eine kurze Einführung - auf Deutsch

Klicken Sie auf das Dreieck am Audio-Player unten, um eine kurze Einführung zu hören.



Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um eine etwas längere Einführung (PDF-Format) zu lesen, die Sie ausdrucken oder herunterladen können.


Hier ist eine Erklärung der Herausforderung (The Challenge), noch einmal in Ihrer Sprache.








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